Friday, July 23, 2021

Wa-Hi Class Of '76 Will Celebrate

 This weekend (July 23-25, 2021), members of the Walla Walla High School class of '76 will gather for it's 45th reunion.  It's the 5th formal gathering of the class and the first that is only 5 years after the last one rather than 10 years.  In other words, other reunions were 10, 20, 30, and 40.  

This year, for the first time, I won't be in attendance, as work obligations at our store will require me to stay in the Seattle area.  I am already planning to attend the 50th though in 2026. 



pnwlyra said...

Aww, too bad you can't make this year - but 50th will be awesome! :D

WWCorgiMom said...

I will miss seeing you!

Mike Barer said...

Thank you so much!