Sunday, July 18, 2021

Catchy Campaign Sign

From a distance, the O in Joe Cohen's last name on these eye catching signs, looks to me like a bagel.
With a Jewish  sounding last name, that would be fitting.
The close up at top shows that does not seem to be the case.  
Cohen is running for King County Council.  He is not in my district, however, his signs are scattered across Issaquah.   Although I don't vote in that district, I'm pulling for Sarah Perry in the race, with whom I became friends with when I worked with the 5th District Democrats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But the big question is why didn't he engage in subliminal imagery on the O in his first name and does Sarah have any subliminal imagery on her signs. If he seeks to seduce with his signs what is he willing to do in the business of governance?