The sponsor for this weeks project is The Hair Cuttery a worldwide chain of Salons. I don't think there are any in the Seattle area, and from what I see in this show, I don't think we're missing much. We all know Trump loves talking about himself so in addition to mentioning that hair grooming is a 150 billion dollar industry, he takes about 5 minutes to tell us that his hair is natural and invites the candidates to see if it is. Charmaine takes the challenge which is the only bold move she makes. Charmaine was my favorite candidate and has shown signs of brilliance. Trouble is she can't lead a dog to a tree. With 2 headstrong teammates like Lee and Tarek and one worthless one like Michael, you know there is not much else she can do but get her hair styled (which she does).
Synergy wins the task. There reward is to meet with Burt Bacharach who's music I have always loved. Bacharach lets the team put words to music he composed. He played the tune and asked what was the first thing to come to their mind. When Tammy said "career" you know that she all of a sudden became a strong contender.
In the boardroom, there was the old saw of someone who can't lead and someone who can't be lead, the same situation of when Felisha and Alla were in the boardroom together. Charmaine had to be fired and to top it off, so was Tarek. Trump mentions to his co-horts after the Goldrush team leaves that the 2 will probably fight in the cab.

That was funny when Bill walked into Charmaine's event and she was getting her hair done. I hope the tasks get a little more exciting, holding an open house is a real no-brainer.
The longer the show goes on the more comical Trump apears. At the first
season, he had the right amount of toughness mixed with compasion. I think
he is deeply suffering from overexposure. I think Lee is Lee. He may win
but don't expect him to do meanial tasks, he's a director and a good bser
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