The two teams gather at Estee Lauder headquarters where Trump introduces executives to the candidates. According to Trump, they are doing "an amazing job" , which basically is what he always says about everyone that he introduces to the candidates. Of course there is a big picture of Donald and Melania. Tonight's task has nothing to do with Estee Lauder, why they were there is a mystery other than maybe they ponied up a little green for the mention.
On tonight's show the teams will design uniforms for the employees of the Embassy Suites (a worldwide hotel chain that originated the suite concept.) The teams would then put on a fashion show where the employees would vote for the best design. How about that for a vacation from reality.
Both teams met with Hotel executives and then employees, the only difference is that Goldrush, power dou of Lee and Sean actually listened to them. Oh maybe Roxanne listened, she just does not have what it takes to challenge Allie. Allie goes ahead with her crazy ideas arguing insultingly with their designer (a dead ringer for Tom Petty). When the fashion show starts, their is no doubt the Goldrush design works.
Goldrush's reward is dinner with Don and Invanka Trump, who are able to provide insight into the Donald's psyche. They are pretty intelligent and articulate more than you would expect for someone with wealthy divorced parents.
In the boardroom, Allie and Roxanne go in as friends, but Trump decides to stir the pot. He asks each one who should be fired and finally Roxanne breaks and says what she really thinks of Allie behavior during the task. Soon they are fighting like cats until Trump has had enough and fires them both.

I was disappointed that Roxanne did not step up and say those uniforms were ugly, because they were horrid and I think surely she knew that.
How's this for a wardrobe malfunction....
Vote for Lee thong
Who is gonna buy it? lol
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