With 4 Synergy candidates and 2 Goldrush candidates, Trump decides to even the teams by asking who they would like to send to the other team, no need to bother, Sean walks to Goldrush and the game is on. Boys Vs Girls.
Why are they at a football stadium? In a great idea for a task, each team is going to put on a tailgate party for Rutgers University Homecoming. They will be serving food from Outback, the chain of Steakhouses with barely edible food with the obnoxious commercials that run continuously. Believe me I work in a job where the radio is on all day and after hearing those stupid spots, I am anything but hungry.
Well Goldrush has it's team, Lee the strategizer, Sean who has shown interest in nothing more than chasing skirts and Michael who seems to be missing his Mom.
Lee decides that the best way to work is to market Greek Row, he negotiates (one of his few talents) an exclusivity deal with the Rutgers cheerleading coach. He sets up an eating contest, college is about cheap food and chicks, you may learn something by accident.
Synergy smartly meets with Outback execs, they ooh and ahh over Outback Food. (Don't ask me I just watch) they want to have the cheerleaders but Lee has made the deal. Allie tries anyway. She makes such a good impression that cheerleader coach says that she'll check with Goldrush.
For some stupid reason Michael comes to shore up the deal with the cheerleaders, and the main girl looks him in the eye, and sweetly asks if they can share with the other team. Michael must have been overwhelmed because he says yes. When Lee and Sean find out, they want to kill him. Michael says he wants to be fair. HELLO, do you know what show your on? Do you know who the host is?
In the end, Goldrush attracts the most people, but Synergy figures out a plan to deliver food all around the area. They blow away Goldrush and get a decent reward of going to a winery and crushing grapes, something that they have been doing to Goldrush all season long.
Once again, Lee is in top form in the boardroom (afterall, he has practice) and it is brought up that Michael wanted to share the cheerleaders. It did not matter that the cheerleaders did not matter. Michael was fired!

Ominous signs for Tuesday night TV with CW on the horizon. What awaits the family Philco in the fall? go to www.cheezymovies.blogspot.com
I posted my thoughts about the final 5 day and would love to hear your opinion...PJ
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