Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Way To Go Karen And Linda
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Apprentice: The Final Task Begins
Sean makes the smart choice of Andrea, Tammy, and Tarek, all able candidates. Lee picks buddy Lenny and makes him his human resource director, a very strange choice. Lenny completes the team with Pepe (who was one of the first fired this season) and Roxanne (huh?).
Goldrush (Lee and Co) is to put on a celebrity Hockey game to benefit the Denis Leary Firemen's fund. Synergy (Sean)is to put on a benefit concert featuring the contemporary group Bare Naked Ladies. The Concert will benefit the World Wildlife Federation.
Lee seems to have trouble getting his team organized. Things go smoothly for Sean until Andrea is stricken with a medical emergency and we will see next week what the final results are.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Having read blogs by friends and family, I decided that it may be fun to at least give it a try. In one year, we have been through a very successful Seahawk football season, the Apple Cup, a super fun summer. My recaps of The Apprentice have brought readers from all over the country and it has been fun meeting new people.
It has also helped bring family closer.
Thank you so much for reading!
A Baseball Moment From 1976

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Prop One Defeat May Have Set Record
Since this area is growing at such a fast rate, the proposition looked good on paper at first. However, as the campaign went on, it was apparent that Valley Hospital was hiding the fact that there are already excellent health facilities in the area, that can operate without taxation and that would have to leave the area if Prop one had succeeded.
In case you were wondering, Prop one failed by 94 per cent!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Good Bye To Lloyd Bentsen

Seattle Park To Honor Jimi Hendrix

In his book, It Was All Just Rock And Roll, Pat O'Day speaks eloquently of Hendrix's beginnings in music.
The resolution was proposed by Jean Godden who said it is about time for Seattle to have a shrine to one of Seattle's most famous native sons. The Statue pictured above would be moved from Broadway in Seattle's Capitol Hill district to the new park at 2300 S Massachusetts St. The measure still needs to be approved by Seattle Parks Director Kenneth Bounds.

Monday, May 22, 2006
Apprentice: Synergy Has Wardrobe Malfunction

The two teams gather at Estee Lauder headquarters where Trump introduces executives to the candidates. According to Trump, they are doing "an amazing job" , which basically is what he always says about everyone that he introduces to the candidates. Of course there is a big picture of Donald and Melania. Tonight's task has nothing to do with Estee Lauder, why they were there is a mystery other than maybe they ponied up a little green for the mention.
On tonight's show the teams will design uniforms for the employees of the Embassy Suites (a worldwide hotel chain that originated the suite concept.) The teams would then put on a fashion show where the employees would vote for the best design. How about that for a vacation from reality.
Both teams met with Hotel executives and then employees, the only difference is that Goldrush, power dou of Lee and Sean actually listened to them. Oh maybe Roxanne listened, she just does not have what it takes to challenge Allie. Allie goes ahead with her crazy ideas arguing insultingly with their designer (a dead ringer for Tom Petty). When the fashion show starts, their is no doubt the Goldrush design works.
Goldrush's reward is dinner with Don and Invanka Trump, who are able to provide insight into the Donald's psyche. They are pretty intelligent and articulate more than you would expect for someone with wealthy divorced parents.
In the boardroom, Allie and Roxanne go in as friends, but Trump decides to stir the pot. He asks each one who should be fired and finally Roxanne breaks and says what she really thinks of Allie behavior during the task. Soon they are fighting like cats until Trump has had enough and fires them both.

Friday, May 19, 2006
The Orthodox Apprentice Links Barers Of MV
David Locke Will Be Voice Of Sonics
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Breaking Seahawk News
The Apprentice--The Much Cliched Final Four

The task is to set up a display promoting the X Box 360, a new component that you can use with high definition TV and display digital photos as well as MP3 music in addition to playing video games.
Goldrush is comprised of Lee and Sean, two very different people who instantly bond and work together well, you have to wonder what could have been if these 2 gentleman had worked together all season. The wheels are beginning to come off of the Synergy bandwagon--Tammy steps up to be project manager but the Roxanne Allie clique has become too tough to crack. Allie and Roxanne deny rolling their eyes even though they are caught red-handed by the camera.
Goldrush cannot seem to get on the same page as their contractor and it looks like just another Goldrush defeat. But, inspite of not finishing their project, they somehow hit the mark and get to partake in a long, earpopping cross country flight to LA., where they get to do voice characterization for a Dreamworks Cartoon Movie, Over The Hedge. Jeffrey Katzenberg takes a shining to the lads and says to their delight "Your Hired"
In the boardroom it is Tammy vs Ralli, that is the tag team of Roxanne and Allie. Tammy pleads her case. Allie stays quiet Roxanne attacks and it looks like either of them could be fired but Trump does not think Tammy is right for the job and she is fired!

Monday, May 15, 2006
Apprentice Summary Will Be Late
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Seahawks Will Move

Wa Hi Class Of '76: Another Memory

Traditionally graduation ceremonies feature speakers who are leaders in highest grade point average. Somehow, a group of students decided that it should be a popularity contest. That way graduation would have better speakers at least in their opinion. So in May of 1976, the senior class had an election to pick graduation speakers. Even my name was on the ballot. I don't know if the election was taken seriously, but as I remember the speakers were at the top of the class.

Friday, May 12, 2006
Hair Cuttery Hires Apprentice Candidate

Charmaine will work with the Franchise Development team to open the first Salons in the LA area. The Hair Cuttery operates about 1000 stores nationwide, according to the Washington Business Journal.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Maple Valley Healthcare--Vote No on Prop 1
Monday, May 08, 2006
The Apprentice: Goldrush Is Coldrush

With 4 Synergy candidates and 2 Goldrush candidates, Trump decides to even the teams by asking who they would like to send to the other team, no need to bother, Sean walks to Goldrush and the game is on. Boys Vs Girls.
Why are they at a football stadium? In a great idea for a task, each team is going to put on a tailgate party for Rutgers University Homecoming. They will be serving food from Outback, the chain of Steakhouses with barely edible food with the obnoxious commercials that run continuously. Believe me I work in a job where the radio is on all day and after hearing those stupid spots, I am anything but hungry.
Well Goldrush has it's team, Lee the strategizer, Sean who has shown interest in nothing more than chasing skirts and Michael who seems to be missing his Mom.
Lee decides that the best way to work is to market Greek Row, he negotiates (one of his few talents) an exclusivity deal with the Rutgers cheerleading coach. He sets up an eating contest, college is about cheap food and chicks, you may learn something by accident.
Synergy smartly meets with Outback execs, they ooh and ahh over Outback Food. (Don't ask me I just watch) they want to have the cheerleaders but Lee has made the deal. Allie tries anyway. She makes such a good impression that cheerleader coach says that she'll check with Goldrush.
For some stupid reason Michael comes to shore up the deal with the cheerleaders, and the main girl looks him in the eye, and sweetly asks if they can share with the other team. Michael must have been overwhelmed because he says yes. When Lee and Sean find out, they want to kill him. Michael says he wants to be fair. HELLO, do you know what show your on? Do you know who the host is?
In the end, Goldrush attracts the most people, but Synergy figures out a plan to deliver food all around the area. They blow away Goldrush and get a decent reward of going to a winery and crushing grapes, something that they have been doing to Goldrush all season long.
Once again, Lee is in top form in the boardroom (afterall, he has practice) and it is brought up that Michael wanted to share the cheerleaders. It did not matter that the cheerleaders did not matter. Michael was fired!

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Wes Uhlman--Seattle Mayor

Seattle lost their first major league team (the Pilots) during Wes Uhlman's first term.That did very little to damage him politically. But some appointments in his administration, caused a recall attempt in his second term. It failed badly for his foes and made Uhlman stronger as he sought to become governor of Washington in 1976. Wes was a friend of my Uncle Arny so I campaigned hard for him, but like the rest of the nation, Washington felt it did not need what was perceived to be the stereotypic polititian, reeling from Watergate, outsider Dixie Lee Ray won the Democratic nomination as well as the election.
Wes is out of politics and into land development, but his style was copied by three subsequent Seattle Mayors.

Friday, May 05, 2006
Memories, Memories

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
How Did I Ever Get Here??
According to my Dad's blog, my ancestors had so many narrow escapes, I almost did not come to be. Dad wrote this boyhood experience he had in Montana. Quote:
I HIT THE ROADIt is hard to imagine the havoc of The Great Depression at this point. A friend of the family managed a shoe store. He was there long before normal morning openng and often worked on his bookkeeping and inventory late into the night. He had to protect his job. As a manager he was paid $15.00 per week.Dad and mother were feeling the tough times too. Scrap metals that today sell for dollars a pound at that time were valued in pennies.Dad had one stroke of luck. There was a fire in nearby Yellowstone Park. Trucks and drivers were needed to haul firefighters to the blaze. The pay was good and in cash.Part of the money went for new tires for the truck.In a happy mood Dad loaded the truck for a weekend in Missoula. Sell the scrap to Uncle Ike and spend some time with the family. With Mother in the passenger seat holding me on her lap they drove into the dusk.Montana main roads in the 1930's would not pass as alleys in slums today. Dad pulled wide to avoid an oncoming car the little truck caught its wheel momentarily in the soft shoulder and then lurched accross the road reeling over onto its side.Mother at that time weighed far more than she did in later life and was wearing a bulky fur coat. As the truck careened and flipped she slid accross the slick bench seat onto the top of Dad who was pinned in the drivers seat. It took some time to extricate themselves. They could hear me crying but could not find me in the truck. Finally, crawling out of the truck mother spied me sitting in the middle of the highway screaming my lungs out. Somehow I had been thrown out the door onto the the dark road Obviously this was before car seats and seatbelts and few people were foolhardy enough to drive "roads" of Montana at night.Well, I was a tough kid. I weighed ten pounds at birth.
posted by Alan L. Barer
Monday, May 01, 2006
Danny Gets His Book Autographed

The Apprentice: Trump Clips 2 from Goldrush

The sponsor for this weeks project is The Hair Cuttery a worldwide chain of Salons. I don't think there are any in the Seattle area, and from what I see in this show, I don't think we're missing much. We all know Trump loves talking about himself so in addition to mentioning that hair grooming is a 150 billion dollar industry, he takes about 5 minutes to tell us that his hair is natural and invites the candidates to see if it is. Charmaine takes the challenge which is the only bold move she makes. Charmaine was my favorite candidate and has shown signs of brilliance. Trouble is she can't lead a dog to a tree. With 2 headstrong teammates like Lee and Tarek and one worthless one like Michael, you know there is not much else she can do but get her hair styled (which she does).
Synergy wins the task. There reward is to meet with Burt Bacharach who's music I have always loved. Bacharach lets the team put words to music he composed. He played the tune and asked what was the first thing to come to their mind. When Tammy said "career" you know that she all of a sudden became a strong contender.
In the boardroom, there was the old saw of someone who can't lead and someone who can't be lead, the same situation of when Felisha and Alla were in the boardroom together. Charmaine had to be fired and to top it off, so was Tarek. Trump mentions to his co-horts after the Goldrush team leaves that the 2 will probably fight in the cab.