Lan took to the web like a child with a new toy. He wrote about characters in the radio industry. He wrote about politics. He wrote about his grandson the soldier and he wrote about his regrets on taking up the smoking habit that eventually cut his life short.
I never met him in person. I spoke to him once by telephone while he had just had his lung surgery. He loved my joke about the Seattle rainstorm, but that's a whole different topic. Every time he would make a trip to Seattle he would e-mail asking for my telephone number and everytime he would forget to bring his address book along with him.
Lan's web page made him new friends who did not know him from his Seattle radio days for which he is most famous for.
Lan was honored at a tribute lunch at Andy's Diner on January 10 one of his friends has e-mailed some pictures and some exerpts of the event

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