The show began with the candidates planning a birthday party for Leslie. The cake and candles are shown but the birthday girl is not. Soon Lee comes through the door and the birthday party sadly is not to be. Charmaine has no love for Lee and is Leslie's main confident. I figure it has got to be good. There have been too many broken friendships already in this game.
The candidates meet in the Trump International Hotel, which Trump says of course is the world's greatest. He is with Brian Woods, an executive from Ameriquest, that company with the catchy SuperBowl ads that is in some kind of trouble with the government. The candidates get their marching orders--they are to design a program brochure for Ellis Island, perhaps New York City's greatest treasure (sorry George Steinbrenner) .
Fittingly Lee and Allie are the project managers, both have family history with the island. Goldrush, loser of 4 consecutive tasks is off to a less than great start. Charmaine is a self proclaimed expert of inside sales and she has to have her "favorite" teammate Lee watching as she makes her call basically getting a cold shoulder. Lee picked Tarek to put together the brochure. Lee's contributions are a little less obvious. He may have contributed the most by doing nothing.
Synergy goes over to stake out the island and on the way back, Tammy (who is rarely seen or heard from) discovers she left her notepad. I don't know if they turn the boat around, but Tammy and Allie are back on the island to retrieve the notebook when they realize they have missed the boat. After that nothing goes well for the team, but they do come together, to blame Andrea. Andrea is driven and tough, but rubs everyone the wrong way. It is obvious that the team would love to use her for a scapegoat.
By the time Synergy gets to Battery Park, Goldrush has saturated the area with it's brochures and team Synergy is playing the blame game. The finger points to Andrea (above) and Trump fires her without even allowing Allie to pick candidates.
I personally felt that Allie and Tammy should have taken some of the blame, they seem to have forgotten that there is no I in team. Or is it teim?

I habitually recommend TV show Apprentice to all my clients who asire to careers in commerce & industry. On a more serious note, I thought this was a breakfast serial for toddlers but turns out it is an actual athlete/singer. He's Coco Crisp, a Red Sox center fielder who is highlighted in the sports section of GQ magazine. (Red Sox may not be in your Seattle lexicon what with the Mariners ascending). He's a rapper when he's not catching fly balls. How fly for the Crispy Critter or not! Now you know.
I think Allie should have taken all the blame, I was really disappointed in her whole attitude this week.
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