Once in a great while, a must see movie comes out. Rather than being just the story of Edward R. Murrow,
Good Night And Good Luck is about a period and the state of the Nation when television and broadcast journalism beginning to form their roles. Edward R Murrow already known for his work as a radio reporter in World War II, is host of CBS's
See It Now, a show that was the forerunner of the present day 60 Minutes.
See It Now exposed many injustices during it's run, but the movie focuses on Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy and his quest to brand people in the name of searching out Communists. T0 me the movie is espessially relevant to the political climate today. The role of Edward R Murrow was played on target to what I have seen in footage by David Straithairn. George Clooney stars as Producer Fred Friendly. Clooney also directed this picture. I think that they should deserve consideration for Academy Awards.
You don't mention that Murrow attended your alma mater. (He also died three days after I was born. I don't think there's a connection.) It was an excellent movie.
Murrow good, Clooney bad
Danny should open his eyes and view the forest through the trees. Those ambiguous comments about Technicolor label on a B&W movie and the PG movie rating make it seem he had his snout in the popcorn and missed the full interaction of the protaganist.
Typical LA style; focus on the glitter and ignore the substance.
Your "typical LA" shows that you are prone to stereotype and do not think things through. I bet that you did not even watch the movie.
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