In this weeks episode the teams have a monumental task. Design a parade float to promote Sony's new motion picture Zathura. Unlike some of the other tasks, this was something that could also be promoted to the viewers as well. Capital Edge continues to lose but this week Trump allowed them to pick a candidate from the men of Excel, who have beaten them three times in a row and four of the last five challenges. They pick Randall, the smooth, even tempered member. The women wanted to bolster their team, while hurting the other.
As Excel begins it's task, it's clear that they have not solved the problem of Marcus, the candidate from outer space or whatever who just cannot seem to fit in. Maybe next week, he'll be banished to Capital Edge and Trump will get the chance to can him.
Both teams work through the night and when it is time to make the presentation it is pretty clear who the winner of the task is. Jennifer shows that while she is not one of the mean girls on Capital Edge, she is one of the more incompetent. One word to Capital Edge (or Capital Sludge as they deserve to be called) WHAT PART OF BRANDING DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?
Excel is clearly the winner and gets a neat reward. They get to help compose a song from a contemporary artist. They love it and once again the team is drawn back together. The producer for Zathura looked familiar and I remembered he once played Monica's boyfriend on Friends a few years ago.
In the boardroom, Trump is amazingly calm considering the total incompetence of Capital Sludge. Jennifer brings Kristi and even though both should have been fired, he points the finger at Kristi, who goes out with no class and her suitcase of power suits and peroxide while the world breathes a sigh of relief that she will be banished to The Surreal Life or whatever cheap entertainment can milk her for the sake of ratings.

I sure hope Trump shakes up the teams next week.
Jen W and Markus on the same team would make for a good laugh for sure.
She was a hottie. I wouldn't kick her out of bed, but neither would Mike.
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