The show picks up with Markus coming back from the boardroom to his suite all by himself to the teammates on Excel who wanted him to get fired so badly. His teamates decide to give him a fresh start and things pick up from there. For the girls of Capital Edge, Rebecca arrives back from the hospital, you may remember that she was injured in the reward challenge playing hockey. This is crucial to this installment as she is befriended by Toral, who goes to the hospital with her and becomes her close friend. This presents a problem though as no one can stand Toral and the two more or less become the outcasts.
We find out that Rebecca has broken her ankle and is on crutches. Rather than quitting, she decides to become the project manager in the upcoming task.
Both teams are to go to an assisted living facillity with the charge of teaching the residents how to use new technology in their lives.
Marcus is already arguing with his team but this team everyone has the give and with this task he seems to fit right in. Possibly this is the right task for a geek. The Men of Excel are slamming and jamming and the residents are humming right along.
Meanwhile, the women of Capital Edge do not seem to have anything happening. No signs, A cake with Techno Expo spelled wrong, and seemingly, no enthusiasm. Toral is totally awful as she does not know anything about working her big screen TV. The only enthusiasm they can drum up is when beauty queen Jennifer M does push ups. Shades of Apprentice on the first run a year and a half ago when the women won every task by selling sex.
In the boardroom the men are the clear winners and get a reward of donating their technology to a children's hospital.
The women come to the boardroom and finger Toral as one of the reasons that they lost. Indeed she was a disaster and it is up to Rebecca to chose two girls to bring in to the boardroom. She winds up picking the two Jennifers, while Toral is allowed to return with the other girls to the suite.
Noone could argue choosing Jennifer W, except of course, Jennifer W. She was supposed to be the winning edge for the team. The events planner. Well JW did not come through and became a mess of sobs. The choice of Jennifer M was rather curious as Trump seemed to think that she was alright. We all now by now that Trump has a soft spot for beauty queens. We also know that he does not care much for candidates who protect their friends. Trump starts off by telling Jennifer M that she is safe unless of course she says something stupid. He tells Rebecca that he would have fired Toral had she been there. The spotlight is on Rebecca who does an excellent job of defending her choise as well as herself. The Trump finger of fate points to Jennifer W who wilts under pressure and Trump says the dreaded 2 word "Your Fired!"
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