Monday, September 27, 2010
Rusty Takes First Prize

Seahawks Shock The Chargers At Qwest

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wall Street II: Money Never Sleeps Review

If the movie had continued with Bud Fox, it may have made for a better movie, however, having characters who apeal to a generation not quite familiar with the premise of the earlier movie may prove to be it's downfall. Although the movie was successful in it's opening weekend, I don't that the movie will be remembered years later like the first.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Apprentice--I Scream, You Scream, One Fake Firing

This episode probably should have been the first task. The teams were sent out to the streets to sell ice cream. This is the "back to basics" task that kicked off the very first Apprentice episode and has been used quite often. Both teams headed first to Union Square, with very without much luck so they both tried several locations. Each team also came up with an idea for uniforms, women in pink tank tops, and men with striped shirts. By the way, I forgot to mention David, the loose cannon with eyes and hair going in 6 different directions,was project manager for the men. Poppy, was project manager for the women.
When the teams were back in the board room, Trump asked the women if they thought that they had won. Of course they say yes. Trump asked who the weakest player was, and Poppy said it was Liza, he asks other team member and they agree and Trump fires her. Oh wait, he smiles and says "Kidding". I've never seen him screw around quite like that. Liza, of course is angry at her team. There is discourse, Trump asked Mahsa if she thought her team won. Mahsa said she "knew" they won. Trump jumped on her saying there is no way she could "know". There never is a "right" answer in the board room.
Trump then goes to the men, where David singled out James and Alex. James is too laid back and Alex lacks energy. David, Alex, and James come stay in the board room. Trump figures that Alex is the weakest, although a nice guy (nice guys finish last in the world of Trump) and fires him.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Crossroads Chessboard

The gigantic Chess board is a popular attraction at the Crossroads Mall in Bellevue. The indoor Mall is the main component to the shopping center in which The UPS Store in Crossroads is located.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Seahawks Bucked By Broncos

Friday, September 17, 2010
The Apprentice 10--Hey Buddy, Could You Spare A Job?

The candidates meet in the boardroom, as they usually do in the first show and Mr. Trump divides them, men vs women, as he usually does. The first task is to go into an empty suite and design a modern office space.
The men come up with the name "Octane", the women are Fortitude, as he usually does, Trump gives tepid approval to the names.
No one volunteers themselves to be Project Manager for Octane, but someone volunteers Gene. A well bow-tied unemployed Financial Advisor with military experience. Nicole, a former Miss California contestant, steps up to be Project Manager for Fortitude.
Last night's show was two hours, it could have easily been fit into one. As the show were on, it appeared that the recession may not be the only reason that these people may be unemployed as there was fighting on both sides. In particular, a former telecom salesman named Dave was unmanagable. Unfortunately, A-type insubordinates like him tend to stay around for a few weeks because it makes good water cooler discussion for the viewers. Neither PM can really seem to get the respect of his or her team and the results show, Trump did not like either design.
Fortitude decides to throw PM Nicole "under the bus", perhaps unfairly. Tayana has experience in office design and probably should have been fired, however she found an ally in former New York DA Mahsa, who points a direct finger at Nicole. Since the team unites against her, Nicole is fired.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Del Bene To Spend Warchest In The Stretch

Democratic Activists Arlene and Reuben (pictured above) Powell graciously hosted a get together for Maple Valley area voters to get to know Suzan Del Bene. Del Bene, a former Microsoft executive and founder of drugstore.com, is challenging Republican incumbent Dave Reichert to represent the 8th district in the US House of Representatives. Del Bene says she was motivated to seek the office after watching friends and neighbors struggle through hard times and by what she sees as a passive performance by Congressman Reichert. She said that Reichert has not shown up for various candidate forums, including the Tacoma News Tribune endorsement interview. She pointed out a propensity for Reichert to "flip-flop" in issues that the 8th District is passionate about.
Del Bene said that her performance in the primary was much better than expected. She says that she held her spending down so that she would could use her war chest in the stretch days of the campaign.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Seahawks Come Alive--Route the 49ers

Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Pete Carroll Era Begins For The 'Hawks

Thursday, September 09, 2010
Del Bene Will Apear In Maple Valley

Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Monday, September 06, 2010
Rockareoke A Hit At Snoqualmie

Last night Deb and I took Grandma Lillian to the Snoqualmie Casino, where Rockareoke is performed each Sunday from 6 until midnight in the Sno Lounge. The Rockareoke band played tribute to Lillian, who will celebrate her 91st birthday this Thursday.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Kennewick, Washington Makes A Top 10 List

Thursday, September 02, 2010
Fall Around The Corner

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Our Beautiful City