Captain's log: stardate July 5th, OK, at least I thought it was funny. We arrived at the Firesky in time for the wine-tasting held every evening. If you remember, the Firesky was where we had first arrived the week before where we spent the night before heading to Sedona. The problem this time was they did had lost our reservation, luckily, the front desk which was outstanding was able to come up with a room for us.
You would think that Scottsdale, Arizona would turn into a virtual ghost town in the summer as the temperature spike into the 110s. Not so! The Firesky was rockin' and rollin' and the pool was alive with "Girls Gone Wild" set. As I had said before, there was a bar at the pool and a good looking bunch of kids were having a wonderful time acting crazy. Also there was a family reunion and a wedding going on at the Hotel.
I wanted to take Deb to Tempe and look at the Arizona State University campus. The front desk told me that Mill Street had some great Restaurants and clubs. We wound up eating a great Italian meal at a new place called La Bocca. We headed back to the Firesky and went for a late night swim. Around 3 in the morning, we were awakened, the kids, who were having a great time in the pool had stayed drinking and a couple were having a serious fight. A girl in the hall was swearing up a blue streak and the situation was turning very ugly. Apparently it caught the attention of the front desk because when I looked out the door, there was hotel security there to help solve the problem.
We got to the airport and ready to board our flight, but there was a problem. We were not allowed to bring some Margarita mix on the plane. We had to have it shipped to us. After that was resolved we were able to board the plane and fly back to Seattle.
You would think that Scottsdale, Arizona would turn into a virtual ghost town in the summer as the temperature spike into the 110s. Not so! The Firesky was rockin' and rollin' and the pool was alive with "Girls Gone Wild" set. As I had said before, there was a bar at the pool and a good looking bunch of kids were having a wonderful time acting crazy. Also there was a family reunion and a wedding going on at the Hotel.
I wanted to take Deb to Tempe and look at the Arizona State University campus. The front desk told me that Mill Street had some great Restaurants and clubs. We wound up eating a great Italian meal at a new place called La Bocca. We headed back to the Firesky and went for a late night swim. Around 3 in the morning, we were awakened, the kids, who were having a great time in the pool had stayed drinking and a couple were having a serious fight. A girl in the hall was swearing up a blue streak and the situation was turning very ugly. Apparently it caught the attention of the front desk because when I looked out the door, there was hotel security there to help solve the problem.
We got to the airport and ready to board our flight, but there was a problem. We were not allowed to bring some Margarita mix on the plane. We had to have it shipped to us. After that was resolved we were able to board the plane and fly back to Seattle.
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