Sunday, July 30, 2006

Stan Barer Says Sonic-Storm Deal Made in Good Faith

The outgoing group of Sonics owners, lead by Howard Schultz, and the Oklahoma group that has purchased the franchise have been taking an unbelievable barrage of hits from all fronts, sports fans, opponents of public sports financing and community leaders. In a letter to the editor in the sports section of today's Seattle Times, investor Stan Barer responded,
"The buying group was chosen among many suitors because of their good-faith, legal commitment to try to retain the Sonics in the Seattle area so our community could continue the cultural enhancement and value that sports have always given.
The reception that has been given the new owners as well as the selling group has been rife with a "you are all liars" reaction by the sports reporters...
The letter also outlined the selling group's frustration with city officials.
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