If you'r looking for someone with whom to have a pleasant chat, Senator Maria Cantwell may not be your first choice, but if your looking for someone to do the represent us in Washington DC, then the right pick would be Senator Cantwell. There is no doubt that she can be aloof in public, she brings back memories of Scoop Jackson who represented Washington for so many years. She has angered many of her fellow Democrats with her early support of the war, but has held her own against powerful Senator Ted Stevens on oil drilling in Alaska. Washington needs the one, two punch of Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. Please join me in supporting Maria Cantwell for US Senate.
I support Maria; volunteer for her if you can. Need to win back Congress from the maniacs and crooks.
No thanks on Maria. She should be only able to buy her way in once.
Democrats with loads of cash that tell us how to live and where we can drill for oil No thanks
I am going for Mike even traveld to our little town to listen to us
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