Who took this turn down memory lane? Camp Solomon Schecktor in the summer of 1972, if you look at the gentleman in the striped shirt, I am standing second to the right. Camp SS is near Olympia and had campers from the bay area in California,Vancouver, Portland, Spokane and Seattle. I think I represented Walla Walla very well.

Ah, Camp Solomon Schecter. The pines, the lake, the brewery, the military planes flying overhead, the orthodox religious instruction, and the cabin full of boys who discriminated against me because I was a reform jew . . . I remember it like it was 30 years ago.
I don't think I would ever identify myself as a "Reform Jew". I think there was a certain amount of arrogance on the part of the campers because they were from larger cities, but overall I think that both Camp Solomon Scheckter and BBYO were a positive experience. I told about it in my letter to the author who wrote the book on Judaism in Walla Walla.
Solomon Schecter schecter schecter
solomon schecter schecter schecter
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One of my greatest sports moments was at camp solomon schecter schecter schecter. My macahbea(sp)
team was two games out of first place with a week left to go. We played the first placed team in a soccer game. I new we had to win this game to be the champs. by this time I has scouted all the teams I new wich team were good at soccer which were good at volleyball and who was good at softball and dodgeball. we had a legit chance if we one that game. the other kids played as if it were a normal game. I played as if we were the harlem globtrotters playing against the space aliens with the future of the universe at stake. Twice their star player had what he thought was a open shot at goal and I flew out of no where and kick the ball away from him( I took a perfect angle and did a slide tackle to knock the ball away, I was never able to do that move before or since). We won the game and eventually won first place. The best part was the day after the game they were picking teams for soccer and for the first and only time in my life I was the first pick.
That's great Steve. I just don't remember Orthodox training, in fact I don't think many people were super religious at all. It was traditional Jewish, and one of the best chances to learn about our heritage. Growing up where there are no Jewish children, it was the only way to meet other Jewish children.
I was there in the 1970s too, but later. My memories overall were great. The place was super beautiful.
They were buildling condos on the path to the river or creek or whatever it was during my last year there...maybe 1977? I've always wanted to go back and see how far they extended. I was hoping that amazing natural area wouldn't be spoiled too much by development.
Counselors Zvi and Jay Pressman were great. Do those names ring a bell at all?
What a coincidence, I was just looking at this picture. Jay Pressman's first year as a counselor was my last year at the camp. I can barely remember him.
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