Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Goldberg vs Scott

If you watch the E Network, you will note that lately a couple shows shows have roasted hollywood celebrities. My second cousin, Tod Goldberg has decided to roast the fans! Yes, armed with a poison pen and an acerbic wit, Tod has declared war on middle America and the results are absolutely hilarious.
Walter Scott is the pen name for Ed Klein, a former editor for the New York Times and character assassin of former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Mr Klein gets 300k a year helping enquiring minds (if you can call them that) find out the inside scoop on Britney, Cameron, Paris and the like for Parade Magazine, That supplement we mindlessly read in the Sunday paper.
Since Monday is my least favorite day of the week, I rely on Tod's column to put me in the right frame of mind. You can click his link on the left side or go to www.todgoldberg.typepad.com

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