Friday, July 15, 2005

What's up this Friday in Mid-July

I just could take my eyes off the screen, but it took three at-bats and Rafael Palmiero rapped the one hit he needed to reach 3.000. When the M's were contenders and these things seemed to matter, I could not stand Palmiero. He was the ultimate Mariner killer. But much like what was the case with John Elway, everyone in Safeco field and many, many more watching the TV wanted to see him get to hit that plateau. Congrats to you, Rafael!
Shifting gears if you remember my "Donkey strikes Back" post from late June, the popular "Louisiana Primary" has been struck down in the courts. This could very likely mean we are guaranteed to have both a Republican and a Democrat on the ballot for every office in this election. What it means to the casual voter of Washington is that they have to be a member of a party and that makes them angry.

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