Friday, September 06, 2019

Trip To Walla Walla V--The Wineries

We of course, did some wine tasting in the area, starting with a Friday night Blue Grass music concert at the Three Rivers Winery.  That was only a mile or two from where we were staying.  We had dinner and enjoyed music under the stars.
Saturday morning, Rick and I took the dogs to the Blue Mountains to enjoy the scenery. We all met back at home and then went to an old favorite of mine, Bergevin Lane.  We met my cousin and her boyfriend, who had also come down from Seattle at Kontos Winery, downtown.
Later that night, we met my brother and we all walked to the fair which takes place every Labor Day weekend.  We walked from my brother's house which was a mile and a half away.
On Sunday, we went to Dunham Cellars, a frequent stop when we visit.  We also went to a new winery near the airport named SMAK, which specializes in Roses (Rose Ays).
The most interesting stop was Elegante Cellars, (Wine Cellar pictured above)  we met have the founder, a retired Walla Walla chemistry teacher, named Doug Simmons. He quipped that he was "Breaking Good", in reference to a popular TV show (Breaking Bad) about a chemistry teacher who started a meth lab.   Simmons though, opted for wine, which is tasty and legal.  He also makes a strawberry wine to honor his days when he spent summers working at Klicker's, the town's famous Strawberry farm.

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