Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy Blogiversary--A Decade Of Barers Of Maple Valley

It didn't seem long ago, everyone in our family was writing a blog. There were blogs for every occasion.  Everyone could be an amateur journalist.  Some still are.  But things have changed, there are more platforms to express your creativity, now there is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, while still others just don't want to share.
Somehow this blog has persevered.   Thank you so much for reading.
To see my first post, click here


Ginger Dawn...A Spice Below The Horizon said...

Wow! Ten years of Blogging! Did you ever get in trouble for posting something on your blog?

Mike Barer said...

I had someone mad that I used their name, but then I fixed it. Really for the amount of things that I have put on social media, I've had very little trouble. How about you?