Friday, October 03, 2014

Double Down--Game Change 2012

Double Down is Mark Halperin And John Heliemann's look at the 2012 presidential election.  In 2012, the economy was in bad straights and Obama was campaigning on what seemed a dubious new health care plan that exhausted nearly all of his political capital.  Mitt Romney was the former governor of a very Liberal state, a man who seemed to present a fatherly image, he was successful in business  and was seen as the force behind the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.  Needless to say, this was not going to be an easy ride for the administration.
There really is not much risk of adding spoilers,  because all of you should know the final result, however, for a really good insight in to the race and the strategy and the pitfalls that befell both campaigns,Double Down is an excellent resource.  It offers analysis on  all the candidates as well as how bringing Obama's old rival Bill Clinton aboard at the last minute proved effected the direction of the race. 
I have read that HBO has bought the rights to do a movie or mini-series on the book. 

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