Saturday, July 30, 2011

Picnic With 5th Democrats

The 5th District Democrats annual picnic will be Sunday, July 31st at Lake Sammamish Park from 11:30am to 3:00.  Sunshine and funtimes are predicted.  For more information go to the 5th District web site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike. Wanted to respond to your BW comment about McGinn but not on BW.

Mike, he isn't "standing in the way" of the tunnel. He is protecting the city from taking on an expense he knows we cannot afford. As I recall, the state says we won't have to pay but the language does not support that. He is looking at the verbiage and the law. I respect that. Uhlman was mayor during much different times and I liked him, too, although I wasn't as political at that time. This mayor has a different scenario with which to deal.


"Uhlman ran the city during one of the most tumultuous periods of its history. He was a politician of his times, and the sweeping political and cultural revolutions of the 1960s paved the way for the changes he made. Wes Uhlman left behind a very different city from the one he’d found eight years before."

I'm simply pointing out that we are not living in a society that seems to respect change. We complain all the time but still we are fighting the change we need. I wish I could influence you to be more supportive of McGinn. Honestly, we need more like him and fewer like the bureaucrats on the city council or the Seattle School Board which are my particular demons.