It's never easy to be the first, Geraldine Ferraro, was a pioneer. In 1984, she was the Democratic Nominee for Vice President, the first woman to run on a major party presidential ticket when Walter Mondale (perceived by most as bland) picked her hoping to stir excitement and gain ground on the popular incumbent president Ronald Reagan. The choice angered many African-Americans who had hoped that Mondale would picked that year's runner up, the charismatic Reverend Jesse Jackson. Jackson, however was a potential liability, following reports of making Anti-Semitic remarks aimed at New York City. Mondale initially got a bounce in the polls after the Ferraro choice, but soon reports surfaced of alleged tax irregularities involving Ferraro and her husband, proving to be a distraction to the campaign. Ferraro, 75, passed away today after
battling blood cancer.
It is very sad to see her pass away. She was a woman of principal and character – truly a significan¬t loss to the Democrat party. As a Conservati¬ve, Geraldine Ferraro was one of the few Liberal Democrats I respected.
Thank you for sharing Ms. Ferraro during her times in the political arena. Our many thoughts of prayers go to your families at this time.
Thank you for reading my blog and for your insight. I think as time went on, she gained the respect of her detractors.
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