Just to jog your memory and following up on my past posts on radio from the 60s and 70s, KUJ used to have a show called "Swapping Time", it was a cross between "Craig's List" and talk radio. Local listeners would call in to buy and sell their items and would be put on the air. A tape delays allowed the host to screen calls for suitable material. KTEL's answer was "Trading Post" however the DJ would read what were basically want ads over the air. KTEL also had "Pet Patrol" where listeners would could post lost and found for dogs and cats.
Another show that you may remember was the Men's Garden Club that would air on Tuesday mornings. On that show, the Walla Walla Men's Garden Club would answer questions fed from listeners. The radio station announcer would answer the phone and jot down the questions, to which a panel of experts would answer on the air.
Another show that you may remember was the Men's Garden Club that would air on Tuesday mornings. On that show, the Walla Walla Men's Garden Club would answer questions fed from listeners. The radio station announcer would answer the phone and jot down the questions, to which a panel of experts would answer on the air.
Many of you may remember the "Hi Fi Show" change aired Monday through Friday at 8:00 on KTEL. DJ Dave Cochran would ask listeners to identify a record, the first caller to identify the record would win a 6 pack of Coca Cola. In order to play, you had to get a "Hi Fi" which for local teens, was as coolest thing to have in their wallet next to a driver's license.
I remember our grandfather being amonst the panel of experts.
I remember Swapping Time- actually the entire daily line-up - well. KUJ was the only signal ex got at Kooskooskie, and it became the soundtrack to my summers from 1968-1973.
I loved the folksiness of Swapping Time, and can hear the exchanges clearly in my mind. Plus, my Mom got a pretty good used range and refrigerator through Swapping Time.
I wish I had a 24-hours air check form that time. What a cultural capsule it would be.
Any one with radio memories from Walla Walla can email me at mvbarer@gmail.com
KAYE, Puyallup used to air shows like these you mentioned.
I recall the Pet Patrol...and other animal 'lost and found' announcements like the "Dog Gone and Hound Found" report. It was so long ago, I can't recall if we used that on K-HIT or not. Fun, innocent times in a wonderful city.
I loved listening to Rockin' Dave Cochrane, and always drove by the station on Tietan and honked our horn so we could hear it on the radio
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