The first task was an old Apprentice stand-by--the celebrity auction, nothing gets Trump's juices going like big money flying around to help a worthy cause. Duke was an amazing auctioneer begging and cajoling money from her attendees.
In contrast, the big debacle was Kotu' Clint Black, a seemingly washed up celebrity, who does not realize how washed up he is--that would become apparent in the next task.
Team Athena wins and Joan Rivers hits the ceiling because in a previous task, Duke brought Melissa into the boardroom. Hey Joan, it's a game! It's the boardroom not a gas chamber. Natalie Gulbus is fired for a "Bay Of Pigs" type failure to sabotage Annie and for picking Jewelry that doesn't look good on the runway
Why I stuck around for the second episode remains a mystery but the Celebs have to come up with a meal to promote the obscure frozen food brand Schwans. Clint comes up with an idea of using a celebrity bus. It sounds a loser from the start. Hershel is the project manager and wants to do a chicken recipe, only he does not eat chicken.
The task is highlighted by Annie's little comment in the kitchen. It doesn't matter who won, you either love Annie or loathe her.
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