My Dad has just wrapped up a series on my Grandfather Barer and Uncle Dave's purchase of Waitsburg Welding Works, a 20 some year venture that culminated in selling it to the foreman in the mid 1960s or so. The story was excellently written and brought back lots of memories. The picture above is Main Street of Waitsburg, WA, about 20 minutes east of Walla Walla.
That looks to me like the bank building
Bank is the pale building in the foreground. Brick building houses shops and the City Hall
The big brick building was the bank back in the 60s until the mid 70s. Now it is the city hall. It still says First National Bank over the front door, carved in marble. There is also a mosaic under the rubber mat. Where the bank is now was a gas station. The welding works was on the same side of the street as the bank (city hall) but farther up at the other end of the block. The man your family sold it to was Cliff Peters. It was my sincerest honor to know the man very well. A nicer guy you would never meet. He was almost like a grandfather to me.
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