First, the task, Lee's team of misfits seems to be struggling to put this together. Maybe Lee can be forgiven for picking Lenny to his team. But letting him pick team members is totally inexcuseable. To remind you, Lee (above) has the task of organizing a celebrity hocky match at Chelsea Pier to raise money and awareness for the Denis Leary Fireman's Fund. I learned 2 things, that Denis Leary smokes cigars before a hockey game and that Jaime Pressley is a BFH.
If you are one of the 7 people who still watch the Apprentice, you know it is crucial that Mr Trump be greeted when arriving at your event. As in every other time, Goldrush does not have someone to greet the Donald. "They never learn" Trump says, mindful or not that they were probably shooting this season's episode when the last mistake was made. Lee's best move was to rescue the auction from a very lackluster performance by Jaime Pressley.
Sean has the task of putting on the Bare Naked Ladies concert at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. This would benefit the World Wildlife Federation. You know, the folks who forced the Wrestling people to change their name. Sean is worried about Andrea who had fallen ill suddenly and their are some minor missteps, missing music, but he creates a big role for Trump (which Donald likes), before the concert, Trump drives up in a brand new Pontiac (who by the way, sponsored both events. The concert goes on as planned and Sean feels like a million bucks.
Back to live, Trump asks audience members who they thought the next apprentice should be. All of those asked say diplomaticly that both candidates are outstanding (which they are). Everyone knows that they want to avoid the fiasco from the final episode of Apprentice 2 where Jennifer was undeservably trashed in favor of winner Kelly. Finally Trump, for only the second time in a finale, fired Lee. He then said the words to Sean that every candidate wanted to hear, "Sean, Your Hired.

I agree the finale was kind of blah.
Great review as always and thanks for your comments all season.
And thank you, for getting me to stick with it. It's been so much fun!
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