The group meets at the LaGuardia Tarmac near the Trump Private Jet. This is a way to reminds us the humble viewer that he has a jet, we don't or instead of watching this show I would be in Turin Italy shmoozing with... Oh never mind!
It won't be men vs women this time. Trump picks 2 captains, Allie, graduate of Harvard Business School, and Tarek, a member of the Mensa Society for the top 2 per cent IQ of the world. Word is that Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton are not members of that club. I really think Tarek and Allie were picked because they are strikingly beautiful. However there is one "ugly duckling" Brent created some diet to help him lose 100 pounds, he still is pretty chubby though however that is not the problem. He is obnoxious and bizarre, kind of a Marcus on steroids. There is a Russian immigrant named Lenny who is spooky and obnoxious.
Tarek and Allie pick there teams, trying to emphasis their wish to have beautiful people on there teams.
The task is use a Goodyear blimp to promote Sam's Club, the Arkansas version of our Costco. They want to promote Sam's Club to small businesses, rather ironic since Sam's Club's parent Wal-Mart has a tendency to devour small businesses.
Tarek, picks the team name Goldrush, rather simple for a man of letters and Allies team picks Synergy, I did not hear the reason as I got back late from the Commercial break.
to be continued

You lost me with Sam's Club in bold, because Sam and parent company Walmart are quite politically incorrect with their employee policies. No one I know takes the risk of admitting to shopping at Sam's or the Wal. I go to Target and happily pay more. Otherwsie, your post is a hilarious summary of a show I never watch. Keep me posted.
It seems Donald is firing his employees, and replacing them
with the people from his T.V.
show. I'm sure that must cause
some trouble!
un peo pi longo no? no se capisse niente!
I like Lenny, he is the only interesting one in the group.
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