Sada Jacobson--USA

Most people would be proud to find out that one of the relatives had competed in the Olympics. Last year I found out I actually had two. Emily and Sada Jacobson got to compete in Athens on the US Fencing team. They were in the Sabre competition. Both girls were expected to win medals, which no American had won in many decades. As it turned out, Sada won the Bronze and another American from Portland won the gold. It was a great day for the US teams. I have not met either of them at this writing but have met their Dad, David. David's brother Rick who is my age and I hung out at Seaside one year and quickly became good friends. We both were crazy about sports and Played plenty of Strat O Matic Baseball. He came to Walla Walla for my Bar Mitzva and I went to his. We were also up for David's first wedding (not Sada and Emily's Mother). Come to think of it, I also was at Rick's wedding as well. Rick and Dave, along with middle brother Mike, grew up in Fresno California. Their parents are Adrienne and the Late Jack Jacobson. They are all the most wonderful of people.
To Clarify how Sada and Emily are related to me the most simple way to put it is my Dad and Adrienne (their grandmother) Adrienne's Mom and My Grandmother Barer (Auntie Esther to some of you) were sisters.
I got to watch Sada Fence last summer on TV and it sparked me to be more interested than usual in the Athens Olympics. I was excited to see the US Women's Basketball team with Sue Bird won the Gold Medal and the Australian Women's Basketball team with Lauren Jackson won the Silver. Both play for the Seattle Storm which is owned by a partnership that includes another cousin of mine, Stan Barer.
For more on Sada, check this link
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