Saturday, November 04, 2006

Walter Cronkite Is 90

Walter Cronkite - last 2 mins of final newscast

Well Happy Birthday, Walter Cronkite! Cronkite is an icon to the baby boomer generation. Bringing the news of the world into America's living room his "thats the way it is" sign off, gave us a ray of hope, in a rapidly changing explosive time. Although he had some critics on the extreme right, Cronkite richly earned his title as "the most trusted man in America"!


Dave Zarkin said...

Despite the popularity of Huntely Brinkley on NBC, CBS was #1 in LA when I worked for NBC News, primarily because of the strong Cronkite leadin that KNXT got. Poor Katie Couric is doomed. Anyone remember Douglas Edwards?

Mike Barer said...

I could not imagine any broadcaster today making as eloquent a sign-off.