Friday, October 06, 2023

Old Walla Walla Fire Station Picture Also Shows Barer Property


This is the old fire station in Walla Walla. It had upstairs sleeping quarters for the firemen and a pole to slide from the sleeping quarters to the trucks.  I don't know how much time was saved by sliding down the pole, it probably saved space, too.  

In the background, you can see the old Richfield service station which I believe was already out of business, that was on the corner of 4th and Rose, along with the B. Barer And Sons steel warehouse. 

Not long after the service station went out of business, it served as a storage facility for our family business, until it was torn down.  The area was fenced in and incorporated into the main yard for B. Barer And Sons, now Oxarc. 

Just a note, before the fire department starting running the ambulance service, Duckworth company operated the service in that gas station on the B.Barer property.  At that time, I believe that ambulances only transported patients. Because of that, I'm aware that the service station was not operating at the time this picture was taken

This is one of many great pictures on the Bygone Walla Walla blog. 


Anonymous said...

Great post Mike. I remember the fire that burnt down Pee Gees, tragic night.

Mike Barer said...

Three firemen lost their lives in the fire when a brick wall fell on them. Ironically, the building was right behind that fire station.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the extra information on that. I did not know it was right behind the fire station.