Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Schechter 60th Gala: Rabbi Stampfer

Camp Solomon Schechter, where I was a camper in 1971 and again in 1972, made a real impression on me. Since there were essentially no other Jewish youth in Walla Walla, it was my first chance to socialize and meet Jewish youth other than my family and relatives.  It was my biggest exposure at the time to Jewish culture.  In this video, Camp founder Rabbi Joshua Stampfer of Portland speaks to the history of the camp.  The camp when I attended was south of Olympia, it's present location.


Ginger Dawn...A Spice Below The Horizon said...

Hey, I was born in 1971! I would like this Rabbi. Never have met a Rabbi. I bet they would make a good friend.

Ida said...

I did not know you grew up in Walla Walla (that's where I was born, raised and still reside) Hope you are having a good start to the new year.