Friday, August 30, 2024

Lee Goldberg's Calico Review--Tough To Put Down

 First of all, do not read any reviews of this book until you have read it yourself!!  There are secrets that can be given away that could spoil the read.  

Calico, by Lee Goldberg, sat on my shelf for months because it was a western and those who know me, know that I'm not really into that genre.  

I bought this while attending the author's book signing last winter.  After months of collecting dust, I opened it and was hooked by the first page. 

Page turner may seem like a cliche, but Calico really fits the bill, it's imagery and imagination, so vivid, it is like going to a movie. 

It's hard to really write more without crushing the book's impact.  This may be Lee Goldberg's best work yet. 

You can find Calico on Amazon by clicking here.

1 comment:

Ida said...

Oh now you make me want to check this out. I like books that keep you interested right from beginning to end.