Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Burl Barer Meet Angie Dickinson

I have heard of Angie Dickinson. She still looks great in her late 60s or early 70s. She starred in Policewoman. She also starred in a movie with Ronald Reagan and a White House Drama with John F Kennedy. Posted by Picasa


Dave Zarkin said...

Angie Dickinson made "Big Bad Mama" for American International, Roger Corman, in the 60s and it's a must see. Particlarly, the interview with Corman at the beginning where at first Dickinson objected to nudity scenes and then what she did had to be edited out becuase it was too revealing.

Dave Zarkin said...

"The Killers" was a 1964 Universal movie with Ronald Reagan as a crime boss murderer. Some controversy surrounds this movie and believe it was never released to the theaters and was shown on network TV. I watched Reagan in Universal-International cowboy epic, "Law & Order," which premiered on AMC this weekend where he plays a tough lawman who is having sex with the town floosy played by Dorothy Malone. Wait till Nancy finds out! Should be quite popular with the Christian conservatives.