An article in the Jewish newsletter The Cholent made rounds on Facebook last week. The article was brought to my Cousin Sam's attention by "honorary Barer Ian Eisenberg" and talks about the cooperation of Seattle's Jewish population and it's Japanese population in the fish business and other concerns going back to the early and mid 20th century.
It also mentions the help that locals Jews offered during the dark period in American history where Japanese were sent to "relocation centers", Jews helped our Japanese brethren with financial and moral support.
The article goes on to mention that my family, in Walla Walla, also helped Japanese businesses sustain during that period. According to family members, my Great Uncle Dave secretly wrote checks allowing relocated families help in sustaining their businesses and keeping their homes, this done with particular risk, but indeed, in my opinion, the right thing to do.
For the complete article written by Emily Alhadeff, please click here.
One thing they had in common was that bigoted idiots hated both groups.